
Aileen Miracle
January 30, 2013

Informances in the Music Room


This week has been a bit crazy, as I am not only rehearsing for my 3rd and 4th grade programs (which means I have 100+ kids at a time on risers, for close to an hour each day), I have also invited Kindergarten parents into my room for an "informance." So what exactly is an "informance"? It is a way to inform parents of what a typical music class is like. It is similar to a performance in that there is an audience, but instead of rehearsing set pieces like you would for a program, students simply participate in music class. It is a great way to educate your school community…

January 28, 2013

Who will be my valentine?

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It's almost February, which means it's almost Valentine's Day! A month or so ago, I posted "Songs and Activities for Valentine's Day," and just realized that I didn't add one of my favorites. I thought I'd share that with you today. The song is to the tune of "Bow Wow Wow." If you don't know "Bow Wow Wow," it goes like this: This is a great song for quarter rest, as well as for "re." The students are so excited when they do the dance for the first time and flip around to find their new partners! I learned the song "Who will…

January 16, 2013

Double double this that


My second year of teaching, I worked with a wonderful P.E. teacher named Laura who enjoyed cross-curricular teaching. Through the curtain, I often heard students doing jump rope games and hand jives. One of my favorites I heard her do was "Double double this that." You may have heard it before. It goes like this: The hand jive goes like this, with a partner: For “double,” hit both fists on partners’ fists. For “this,” hit both hands on partners’ hands. For “that,” hit back of both hands on back of partners’ hands. All motions are to the beat. At the time, I was still near Detroit (I lived …

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