Five Favorite Pins of June
June 03, 2015
Hi everyone!
Today I'd like to bring my linky party, "Five favorite pins," back for the month of June!
If you are a blogger, feel free to link up. Just see the directions at the end of this post.

Five favorite music education pins of June, including music anchor charts, door decorations, and more!

#1: Folk music anchor chart

Being a Kodaly-inspired teacher, I use folk music ALL THE TIME. So I love the idea of making an anchor chart all about folk music! Sometimes, when a discussion about folk music is not had, kids end up thinking that I make up all of the songs, which is really funny and endearing but of course not true. We want our kids to know all about folk music, and what a great way to do it!

#2: Mason jars with ribbons

I have a hard time organizing stuff, like pencils and markers. I have the urge to just throw everything into a drawer because I get overwhelmed, so solutions like this are GREAT for me! Since I'm going with a jungle theme this year, I'm going to find jungle-inspired ribbon for the mason jars. So cute! (If you are looking for jungle-themed decor, check out this set that I just posted.)

#3: Recorder reminders

If you've ever struggled to teach kids that the left hand goes on top, you might be interested in this set. Anything fun and catchy could really help them. This set is now on my wishlist (and I hadn't heard of this seller, so now I'm a follower!)

#4: Giraffe door

Since I'm doing a jungle theme next school year, I found this very adorable. I'm thinking about doing this to my door...just hoping I can make it look just like this!

#5: Giving students feedback

This picture alone is FULL of great ideas for the music classroom. Wonderful way to present partwork, good questions for feedback, strategies for self-assessment, criteria for evaluation, AND a way to teach chords. WOW! But then when you click on the pin you'll also find a very well-written blog post about giving feedback, with specific examples of how to teach your students to give feedback in a constructive way!

What are your five favorite pins of the month? If you'd like to share, here are the directions:
  • Save the "Five Favorite Pins of June" graphic to your computer, and include it in your blog with a link to this blog entry.
  • Blog about your five favorite pins. Include pictures with links when possible.
  • Submit your information by clicking on the button at the end of this post.
I'll leave the party open until June 30.  And before I forget, I've collaborated with a bunch of other music sellers on an event called "Thrifty Thursday." TONS of music products will be $2 on Thursday, June 4. To find all the great deals, search for "ThriftyMusicFlashSale," or click the image below.

Happy shopping, and have a great June!

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