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February 26, 2013
Choreographing a dance with your students
Movement · Programs · No comments
Some of my favorite memories as a child are of choreographing my own dances in the basement. With my sister, I created a dance to the Jackson Five's "Rockin' Robin," with my best friend Bronwyn, I choreographed a dance to "One" from "A Chorus Line," and then by myself, I choreographed a tap dance to "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel. It was always so much fun to decide which music I'd use, which moves would go where, and what the finished product would look like! It wasn't until a few years ago, though, that I began having my own students …
February 22, 2013
The cup game {A favorite for your music classroom}
Freebies · Lesson ideas · 3 comments
For this week's Friday Freebie, I thought I'd post one of my students' all-time favorites: the cup game! This activity is a GREAT way to engage your students--especially your older students who are self-conscious about singing. My rule is that they have to sing to play the cup game, and they happily oblige! I teach the cup game with the song "I've been to Haarlem." You can download the chant, activity directions, and the song "I've been to Haarlem" by clicking here . For those of you who are visual learners, I've posted videos of my students performing…