Aileen Miracle
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August 15, 2013
My music room set-up
Classroom decor · My room · 4 comments
I have been so busy preparing my music classroom for the year, I thought I'd share some pictures of my room. I've added quite a few new things this year! Here are a couple pictures of my room: Here is one of my bulletin boards. This year, I'll be teaching flute, trumpet, trombone, and recorder, so I added the first fingerings for all of those. I have all of the sets in my TpT store (individual and bundled.) My other bulletin board will correspond with our school-wide theme "Wild World Tour." Each grade level is focusing on one continent for the year, and for their musical p…
August 06, 2013
Creating and Implementing a SLO
Assessment · SLO · 5 comments
I know it's been a while since I wrote, but I've been busy preparing for the school year! I will be posting pics of my music room soon, but besides preparing my music room and music lessons, I also just finished taking a class about student learning objectives, or SLO's. For those of you not in the state of Ohio, legislation was recently passed in which teacher evaluations will be based 50% on observation and 50% on the results of two SLO's. Student learning objectives are plans each teacher writes for a specific concept, estimating adequate yearly growth for each student. We …