
Aileen Miracle


October 29, 2013

Three vocal exploration ideas


Looking for ways to improve your students' pitch-matching? Vocal exploration is such a great way for students to get into their head voices...and it's so much fun! Here are three quick ways to get students exploring their voices, especially around Halloween! #1: "Ghosts in the House" by Kazuno Kohara This is a really fun book, especially around Halloween! For vocal exploration, you could have students make ghost sounds to match the ghosts on the page (for the ghosts on the clothesline, students could just sing one pitch, for the ghosts who are upside down, you could have stude…

October 13, 2013

Five Favorite Pins of October

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We are well into autumn (and still, the weather is amazing!) Since it is October, it is time for my October Linky Party! If you are a music education blogger, see the directions at the end of this blog for how to link up. Here are my five latest favorite pins! #1: Generate your own newspaper article This is a VERY neat tool! Click on the picture below to see the original source of the pin. The idea is this: you can write your own article--specific to your students and your school--and the website listed in the blog will create a picture that looks like a newspaper article. I'm still brainstor…

October 08, 2013

Three fun activities for your music room

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Today, I'm blogging with three fun activities for your music room, that have worked well for my students and I! #1: "Sunshine on my Shoulders" book by Christopher Canyon, words by John Denver This is a beautifully illustrated book by Christopher Canyon; you can see it by clicking on the picture below. You can put on the recording of the song as you turn the pages. It's a great opportunity to discuss audience behavior, and to have students listen for the meaning of a song's lyrics. We discuss how the sunshine can improve our mood, and how music can do the same. Christopher C…

October 01, 2013

Three ways to get your students moving


Today I'm blogging about three ways to get your students moving in music class! #1:  Eric Chapelle's "Movement for Creative Dance" I found out about this CD series from a colleague I taught with at my last school. This is a wonderful CD set to help foster creativity and movement in your music room! Click on the picture below to view the CD on West Music (the link will take you to CD #2, but there are four CD's in the set.) Each CD comes with creative movement suggestions, and the last track on each CD is called "Potpourri," and consists of musical fragments of eac…

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