
Aileen Miracle


November 27, 2013

Turkey Rhythms


A few weeks ago, I found a pin on Pinterest that I thought was really cute for classroom teachers: I wondered if there was a way I could adapt this idea to rhythm. I was excited when I found foam turkeys on Oriental Trading . When they came in the mail, each set looked like this: They actually came with one more smaller paper plate, but I discovered that overlapping and then gluing paper plates together was much harder than it looked, so I turned it into a one-paper-plate craft! After gluing all the parts on, the turkeys looked like this: Each turkey came with six feathers, but I only used five. F…

November 20, 2013

Five Favorite Pins of November


I've been so busy lately participating in the linky parties of other teachers that I forgot about my own! Here goes my monthly linky party, this time for my five favorite pins of November. If you are a teacher blogger and would like to participate, see the link-up directions at the bottom of this post. #1: Before John was a Jazz Giant I love children's literature, and I love jazz, so I was super excited when I found this book on Pinterest! The illustrations are beautiful (by Sean Qualls, the illustrator of Dizzy , another jazz book) and the text looks poetic. I just bought my copy (you ca…

November 18, 2013

Autumn Manipulatives

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Today, I'm excited to be joining Lindsay Jervis' linky party, to blog about autumn manipulatives for rhythm writing! I just love the dollar shelves at Target, not just for fun goodies for my daughters, but for teaching! Recently, I found bags of pumpkins, gourds, acorns, and leaves and decided I had to use them in my classroom! I bought seven bags and stored them in fun buckets I also found at Target, like this: Then I used them in learning centers with my first graders. They just learned ta and ti-ti, so at one of the centers, the students found the two buckets. Then, they emptied the b…

November 14, 2013

New Ideas


Once again, I'm excited to join the Blog Hoppin' Linky Party, this time to blog about new ideas! Often, when I get new ideas, it's from collaborating and sharing with other teachers. I have a few friends in my district who I absolutely love bouncing ideas off of. Whether we are chatting about something we tried in our classrooms, or something we are thinking about trying, we can share ideas without fear of judgment. I encourage you to find a friend who teaches the same subject/ grade level as you do, and share ideas with them!  Here are three new organizational/ management ideas: #1:…

November 13, 2013

Centers for rhythmic practice

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This week, I started learning centers with my fourth graders to practice syncopa (or eighth/ quarter/ eighth combination.) It's been a lot of fun for the kids (and I was able to individually assess every student!) so today, I'm sharing the four centers: #1: Rhythm Carousel This is a wonderful activity I learned from my friend Sue Leithold-Bowcock. I recently blogged about her sessions at the MKMEA conference; she is always full of amazing ideas (and I have to say, she is VERY entertaining!) The idea for Rhythm Carousel is this: the class is split up into small groups, and each student ha…

November 07, 2013

Three Apps for the Music Classroom


The past two days I have been home with my sick 14-month-old Macy (poor thing has had a fever...she's starting to finally feel better, thank goodness!) I've poked around a bit in the app store and online and have found a few new apps I thought I'd share. #1: Feedly This app is actually not music-specific, but could be used to stream all of your music blog reading. I found out about this app when I was checking my blogger stats; it's so neat to see where my readers are and how they got to my blog. I noticed while checking out the stats that I had several views from Feedly, so I h…

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