
Aileen Miracle
January 25, 2014

Monday Music Manipulatives: Staff Writing with Erasers


Today I'm excited to once again link up with Lindsay Jervis for her Monday Music Manipulatives linky party, to blog about staff writing with erasers. Today will be a simple and short post about staff writing with polar bear erasers! My first graders have been deep in sol-mi preparation. I've been getting them used to finding lines and spaces on the staff, and then figuring out which line or space (3rd line, 4th space, etc.) Once students were comfortable with that (which took a few lessons of working on the skill for a few minutes), I handed a staff paper to each student, as well as two…

January 19, 2014

Five Favorite Pins of January


Hope you have had a wonderful start to your year! Since we are well into January, I figured it was time for my Five Favorite Pins of January! If you are a blogger, feel free to join the linky party by following the directions at the end of this post. Here are my five favorite pins this month! You can click on each picture to be taken to the original pin. #1: 36 Clever Ways to Decorate Your Classroom There are SO many great ideas here about how to decorate your classroom, like contact paper to spice up your file cabinets, stenciling quotes or phrases on your walls, and so much more! I will especi…

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