
Aileen Miracle
June 29, 2014

Learning Centers in the Music Classroom


A couple years ago, I wrote this blog post about learning centers in the music room. Since then, I've been asked a few times to write another blog post about learning centers, so here goes! It wasn't until a few years ago that I began to really try to implement centers in my room. Although I was initially nervous, I have had so much fun (as have my students!) My lessons had been admittedly pretty teacher-centered until then, so centers allowed me to provide a more student-centered learning environment. Other benefits of using learning centers include: Promoting student independence and …

June 18, 2014

Audacity Tutorial


Hi everyone! I recently did a technology workshop for VOKE (Virginia Organization of Kodaly Educators), and we briefly discussed Audacity. which you can download for free here . It's a great program for editing music quickly. Some of the workshop attendees wanted to know if I would do a video tutorial about taking a track from itunes, editing it in Audacity, then exporting it back into itunes so you can burn a CD. I've never made a video tutorial before, but here it is! (And because I'd never made one before, the Irish music is barely audible, so I apologize! The information still ap…

June 16, 2014

Five Favorite Pins of June

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Today was my first day teaching for this summer's Kodaly Level I at DePaul University! It was a fun day; I'm looking forward to the next two weeks. I've been a bit busy preparing for it, so I realized I needed to post about my five favorite pins this month! To see the pin, click each picture. Here goes! #1: Kindergarten Xylophone Introduction I absolutely love this You Tube video about introducing students to Orff instruments. How magical! #2: Steady Beat Swords This idea by Tracy King to use pool noodles as light sabers with the "Imperial March" from "Star Wars" is…

June 11, 2014

Dazzling Discipline

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Today, I am very excited to blog about discipline strategies! I received so many great comments and ideas from my 1,200 Followers blog post, and many of you asked for discipline ideas. I'm naming this linky party "Dazzling Discipline"! A couple disclosures before I offer discipline strategies: I work in a school district with very supportive parents and overall, well-behaved kids. However, there are still behavior problems, and I believe that many of the strategies that I will share (and that others will share) could work with a variety of populations. Although I am speaking from…

June 06, 2014

Planning in the Music Room


Today I'm very excited to participate in Lindsay Jervis' blog hop, about Perfect Poolside Planning! Planning is a passion of mine. Through my Kodaly levels, I learned so much about long and short-range planning, and how to best develop plans that could meet all of my daily, monthly, and yearly goals. It is hard for me to talk about lesson planning specifically without looking at long-range planning. However, I know that others in the blog hop will be blogging about long-range planning, so I will just give a short summary of what my long-range plans look like. When I begin my planning for…

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