Aileen Miracle
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August 21, 2014
Thoughtful Discussions in Music Class
Critical thinking · Kodaly · 2 comments
This past summer, I was fortunate enough to take a class through my district about making thinking visible. We use the word "think" a lot, but it wasn't until this class that I really thought about what thinking means! While I'm not an expert in the area of making thinking visible, I'm going to write about a discussion I had with my first and second graders that I found very insightful. When I took this course, I read the book "Making Thinking Visible." The book can be viewed on Amazon by clicking on the picture below. It is a wonderful read! While I read many of…
August 05, 2014
My Music Room Set-Up`
Classroom decor · My room · 2 comments
Today I am very excited to blog about my music room set-up for this year! (Thanks to Dancing Crayon Designs , KG fonts , and Sassy Designs for the cute fonts and graphics!) So this year, since our school-wide theme is "Out of this world," I decided to do a space-themed classroom. After making that decision, I got to work and created a space-themed music classroom set, which you can view by clicking on the picture below: I found a seller on Etsy that makes really cute out-of-the-world signs. Here is my sign I will be posting outside my room: Isn't it cute?? You can order one for yours…