
Aileen Miracle


September 27, 2015

Three Things {Grizzly Bear, Loud and Quiet, and a Picture Book}


Today, I’m returning to my "Three Things" linky party, in which I blog about three things that worked for my and my students this week. Thanks to  Whimsy Workshop Teaching ,  Kimberly Geswein fonts , and  Jax and Jake  for the cute clip art and fonts! #1: Grizzly Bear My Kindergarteners have been preparing loud and quiet. One of my all-time favorite songs for this is "Grizzly Bear," which you can see below: The kids love the song, as it starts very quietly and gets louder and louder, until they shout, "Roar" at the end! For the game, I have students walk in a circle, coun…

September 24, 2015

Technology tips for the classroom

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Have you ever been teaching and a piece of technology that you were relying on for your lesson completely failed you? This has probably happened to all of us at some point, so today I'll write about preventing these technology troubles, leaving you with a smooth, engaging lesson! #1: Think ahead When I'm teaching, I often have to think ahead to the next activity in the lesson or even the activity after that. I have an agenda that has all of my songs, activities, etc. on it as well as my "I can" statements, and my SMART Notebook files, Powerpoints, PDF's, etc. that I need a…

September 13, 2015

Three Things {Orff Rules, Plainsies Clapsies, and a Recorder Freebie}


Hi everyone! I hope you had a good weekend. My family just got back from Cincinnati for a short, one-day trip, and it was fun and relaxing! Today, I’m writing again with my “Three Things” linky party, in which I blog about three things that worked for my and my students this week. Thanks to  Whimsy Workshop Teaching ,  Kimberly Geswein fonts , and  Jax and Jake  for the cute clip art and fonts! #1: Reviewing Orff instrument rules before playing instruments My first graders have been practicing steady beat and rhythm, so I had them sing “Engine Engine” (all on sol-mi) while playing the beat on the Orff…

September 06, 2015

Three Things {Instrument activity, Einstein, and I let her go-go}

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Hi everyone! I'm excited to continue my new linky party today, called "Three things." I'm going to blog about three things that worked really well for my students this past week...things that were magical, that they beg to do again, etc. Thanks to  Whimsy Workshop Teaching ,  Kimberly Geswein fonts , and  Jax and Jake  for the cute clip art and fonts! #1: Kindergarten instrument activity Two weeks ago, I read the book "Three Billy Goats Gruff" to my Kindergarteners, and had students use their squeaky/high speaking voice to say "trip trap, trip trap" for the littl…

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