Aileen Miracle
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November 27, 2015
Indexing folk songs with Evernote
Technology · No comments
I just recently discovered how Evernote can be used as a really powerful tool to index, categorize, and improve productivity, so today I’m blogging about how to use Evernote as a way to categorize and index folk songs! If you’re looking for more information about creating a song index in Excel, here is a video I recorded this summer: Evernote is a free app which you can install on your PC or Mac, as well as your smart phone. The great thing about having it on more than one device is that the app will sync between devices. You’ll also want to install the Evernote webclipper for whichever browser…
November 19, 2015
Adapting to a new schedule
Schedule · 3 comments
A year and a half ago, my music schedule drastically changed, from music twice a week for 35 minutes to music once every 5 days for 50 minutes (on an ABCDE rotation)...with some slight variations, which I'll talk about in a minute. Needless to say, I was a bit tentative and scared. I was disappointed I'd be seeing the kids less. Almost my entire career, I have taught music to each grade level twice a week for 30-35 minutes (with the exception of Kindergarten, which was once a week for 35 minutes.) Now I had to see pretty much everyone ONCE a week? How could I get through all of my conc…
November 14, 2015
Five favorite pins of November
Composition · Favorite pins · Listening lessons · No comments
Hi everyone! Since it's November, so here is my five favorite pins linky party! Here is my list for this month; just click each picture to view that pin. Also check the end of the blog post for a fun Pinterest contest! #1: Dalcroze Eurhythmics Exercises I just created a new Dalcroze-inspired board , and was excited to pin this to the board! These exercises could easily be used in the general music classroom as way for students to internalize beat, improve inner hearing, and more! #2: Composing with stickers I just pinned this to my new board, Composing in the Music Room . What a fun way to have…
November 10, 2015
Thanksgiving in the Music Room
Holidays · Songs · 5 comments
Since Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away, today I'm going to blog about my favorite Thanksgiving activities for the music room. Thanksgiving this year happens to fall on my birthday, so I'm feeling especially festive. :) Here goes! Turkey rhythms I wrote this blog post about using foam turkey feathers and paper plates to build rhythm turkeys. Here is a picture of my students working on it. It was a fun group activity and a great way to practice ta and ti-ti! You could use it with any rhythmic concept. Grateful I found this book on Pinterest last year, and finally got around to orderi…
November 07, 2015
What I've learned about interactive notebooks
Interactive notebooks · Lesson ideas · 6 comments
This year, I embarked on the journey of trying out interactive notebooks with my students. (You can read about why I started the notebooks in this blog post .) So far, I've been able to try them out with my third graders, and because this is so different from anything else I've done with my students, I thought I'd share my initial thoughts. Here is what I've learned so far about interactive notebooks: 1. Be prepared. Before your students can walk into your room and begin their interactive notebooks, you'll need to prepare your room. I had thought about how to store my noteboo…