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February 28, 2016
Five Favorite Pins of February
Favorite pins · Instruments · Lesson ideas · No comments
Hope you have had a wonderful February! Since it is February, I am posting my five favorite pins of this month. Here are my five favorite pins this month! You can click on each picture to be taken to the original pin. #1: Bucket Drumming 101 This helpful blog post has some great suggestions for starting bucket drumming! I'm about to do a bit of it with my 4th graders, so I appreciated reading this! #2: Orff Orffestrations This pin leads to 15 FREE Orff arrangements! Woo hoo! I'd love to try "Tideo" soon; the arrangement looks accessible and fun! #3: Tips and Tricks from Level II I …
February 20, 2016
When to lesson plan
Planning · 5 comments
My first few years of teaching, I sat down for hours at a time, on Saturday or Sunday, and planned all my lessons for the next week…by hand. Now, having kids at home, I really prefer for my weekends to be family time, and make sure to have time during the school day or right after the school day, before I go home, to write lessons (and I do them all by computer!) I realize that some music teachers have little to no planning during the day (as I’ve been there) so today, I’m writing a blog post with different options for when to lesson plan. During the weekend Like I wrote above, you could simply …
February 16, 2016
Fourth Grade Performance {Olivia's Birds}
Children's literature · Folk dancing · Programs · Songs · 10 comments
This past week, my fourth graders performed a program based on the book, "Olivia's Birds" by Olivia Bouler. The book is a really inspiring true story about an 11-year-old named Olivia who helped Audubon by donating her art to people who contributed to the Gulf Clean-Up Campaign. All of the art and text throughout the book is created by Olivia! Today, I'm blogging with a summary of songs and dances I used for the program, as well as scenery ideas and an idea for donating to Audubon! I did this program with fourth grade, but it could easily be adapted for third or fifth. Here ar…
February 04, 2016
6 strategies for remembering 600+ names
Classroom management · Songs · 4 comments
Recently, I wrote a blog post with 10 things they don't tell you about teaching elementary music , and realized I should have added one more thing to the list: that you'll have to remember hundreds of names. Certainly, no one told me that I'd have to remember so many names! One of the great things about being a music teacher is teaching so many students...but that means there are a lot of names to memorize! I often have a hard time remembering a person's name after meeting them at a party, but yet, I CAN remember 650 or so student names. So how do I do it? Here's my list of…