
Aileen Miracle


March 23, 2016

Three Things {Rhythm game, making instruments, and a book}


Today, I’m reviving my "Three Things" linky party, in which I blog about three things that worked for my and my students this week. If you are a music blogger, and would like to link up with your three things, see the directions at the end of this post. Thanks to  Whimsy Workshop Teaching ,  Kimberly Geswein fonts , and  Jax and Jake  for the cute clip art and fonts! #1: Memorizing Rhythm My fifth graders are practicing syncopa right now (or eighth/ quarter/ eighth), and one of the songs they are using is "Oboshinotentoten." You can find the music notation here , and here is a vide…

March 21, 2016

Guest Post: Music March Madness

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I'm excited to have a guest blogger today! Tamarie Sayger will be writing about an activity to build excitement for March madness and music-making!  You can read more about her at the end of this post; thanks to Tamarie for sharing her expertise! March is known for basketball mania! The Final Four is the first full week of April, so you can take advantage of all the hype the week before it begins. Run this game with all your classes the week of March 28-April 1. Why? I use this as a way to change things up a little during the middle of the spring semester. It’s supposed to be very fun and posi…

March 19, 2016

Music of Japan Mini-Unit


Today, I'm blogging about a mini-unit I recently did with my 4th graders. I have a unique situation this year, in that I see all of the 4th graders once every five days for 50 minutes, but my colleague--who is also Kodaly-trained--also sees them once every five days for 50 minutes. We decided this year that the first marking period, she would teach them the "typical" Kodaly-inspired lessons, and I would teach extension lessons. Then at the start of the next marking period, we would switch, so that I'm teaching the typical lessons. This marking period, I've been doing the…

March 08, 2016

St. Patrick's Day in the Music Room


Since St. Patrick's Day is around the corner, today I'm blogging about some fun activities you can do in your classroom this time of year, to celebrate the holiday as well as Irish culture! Irish folk songs This time of a year is a great time to sing Irish folk songs with your students! Here are some great sites for finding Irish folk songs: American Folk Song Collection at Holy Names : (to find Irish and/or Irish-American music, go to "origin") Beth's Music Notes MamaLisa Irish dances One of my favorite folk dances is "Brian Boru," an Irish dance in  " Teaching Mov…

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