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April 24, 2016
Surviving the End of the School Year
End of year · Organization · No comments
I know it seems a bit crazy that I'm writing about the end of the school year on April 24, but my last day with students is May 20! (Disclaimer: I started school the second week of August, so don't be too mad at me!) Because of this, I am having to think about the end of the school year now. Here are my suggestions for surviving the end of the school year so you can have a relaxing summer, and so that you can come back at the start of school year refreshed and organized! #1: Plan out the rest of the year Since I only have four weeks left, I recently sat down and figured out exactly what…
April 17, 2016
Five Favorite Pins of April
Favorite pins · Organization · Rhythmic work · 1 comment
Hi everyone! It is time for my five favorite pins of April! If you are a teacher blogger, feel free to join the party! Directions are at the end of the post. Here are my five favorite pins this month. To see the pin, click each picture. #1: Kids' Books That Teach Important Life Lessons This looks like a great list of picture books. Next year, my school's theme is "Bee Yourself," so I'm thinking I could take some of these books and create programs around them! (For more ideas about programs based off of children's literature, see these blog posts .) #2: Tissue box rhythms I…
April 11, 2016
Music Teacher First Year Flashback
1 comment
Today, I'm linking up with Shelley at Pitch Publications to write about my first year of teaching. Click the picture below to read Shelley's post, as well as posts of other music bloggers! This is my seventeenth year teaching (how did that happen??) so it was fun to think back on that first year. Here goes! What subject/age and where were you teaching? I was hired to teach in the district I graduated from, and taught K-6 general music. I saw the students for 40 minutes, once a week. What was your first classroom like? I had two classrooms, at two buildings. Both were on the stage, with a…
April 08, 2016
Third Grade Performance {The Gratitude Tree}
Programs · 4 comments
Today, I am writing about a program I created for my third graders, based off the book "The Gratitude Tree" by my friend Stacey Peters (known as Expressive Monkey on TpT .) You can view this book by clicking the image below. The book is a really cute and inspiring story about a tree who thinks he's ordinary, until he realizes that every time he feels gratitude, his leaves change color! It's a great way to talk about gratitude, kindness, appreciation, etc. with your students. This blog post will include a summary of songs and dances I used for the program, as well as scenery id…