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September 18, 2016
10 Picture Books to Sing
Children's literature · 4 comments
Today, I'm blogging about my 10 favorite books to sing. There are so many out there, but these are the ones I've used year after year, both in my music classroom and as a parent! These books are a great way to end a lesson, or to provide a calm environment after an exciting activity. Singing these books can also be a great way to teach students a new song, to improve students' listening skills, and for parents and children, can be a great bedtime routine! It can also be a great way to build their literacy and language skills, as you could ask them what happened in the story, what t…
September 11, 2016
Ideas for Upper Elementary Music
Children's literature · Lesson ideas · Songs · Upper elementary · No comments
'Today, I'm blogging with a round-up of blog posts all about upper elementary music! Song and Dance: Three great activities for your older students Looking for folk dances and songs for your upper elementary students? This blog post includes tried-and-true songs and dances from my own classroom! These are some of my favorites...I hope you enjoy them too! Picture books for upper elementary This blog post is from my collaborative blog, the Kodaly Corner, and includes several picture books I love for upper elementary students! New ideas for upper elementary students This comprehensive blog pos…
September 04, 2016
Flexible Seating in the Music Classroom {Part One}
Classroom decor · Organization · Popular posts · 9 comments
After reading many posts about flexible seating in the grade-level classroom, I decided to give it a try this year! This post is the first in a series of posts about flexible seating in my music classroom; today, I'll write about what flexible seating is, why I'm using it, and what I'm using. What is flexible seating? Flexible seating is the idea that students don't all have to sit in chairs, at desks, or in the case of my classroom, on the floor. There are options for them to sit in a variety of seats, and for them to choose a seat that works best for them and their learning st…