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October 23, 2016
Favorite Kindergarten Music Activities
Kindergarten · Lesson ideas · Songs · 1 comment
As I wrote about in this blog post , teaching Kindergarten is so different than any other grade! They are at times so sweet, at other times so needy...and their attention span is about as short as they are! That being said, I truly enjoy teaching Kindergarten music. Today, I thought I'd blog about my favorite activities to do with Kindergarteners...the activities that I look forward to teaching, and the ones that they ask for lesson after lesson! #1: Grizzly Bear I first started teaching this song several years ago, to practice the musical opposites loud and quiet, and oh my goodness, I'…
October 09, 2016
Data-Tracking in the Music Room
Assessment · 13 comments
"Data" seems to such a buzz word lately in the education world. How well are students achieving? How much they have grown from year to year? And how does this apply to the music room? I first really delved into data when I first wrote my SLO, or student learning objective, a few years ago. I had never tracked data in such a specific way, and I admit, it was a bit scary! Since then, I've grown to really appreciate the information data can give me, and how it can improve my teaching! So where to start with tracking data in your music room? Here are a few thoughts: #1: Start with game…
October 02, 2016
Ten Tricks and Treats for Halloween in the Music Room
Holidays · melodic work · Rhythmic work · No comments
Today, I'm blogging about ten tricks or treats for the music room...ten ways to integrate Halloween into your music lessons while engaging your students and improving their musicianship! #1: Skin and Bones This is truly one of my favorite folk songs for Halloween! Here is the notation: This is a call/response song, with the first part being the call, and the "ooo" part being the response. Here are the additional verses: She lived down by the old graveyard, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo! One night she thought she'd take a walk, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo! She walked down by the old graveyard, ooo-ooo-ooo-o…