
Aileen Miracle
November 27, 2016

Tips for assessing with Plickers


A few years ago, I discovered an amazing free app called Plickers, which allows you to quickly and easily assess your students with ONLY ONE device! Today, I thought I'd discuss tips for using the app. I just got done with an assessment for third grade recently, and realized there were some steps that make using the app much easier! Before using Plickers, you'll need to do the following: Decide what assessment you want to use  (anything with multiple choices works; see some suggestions at the end of this post) Get your students' class numbers from their classroom teachers (I would st…

November 15, 2016

Props in the music classroom

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As a music teacher, we have the opportunity to buy some really fun things for our classroom! Perhaps you've seen tennis balls or ribbons in another music teacher's room, and you've wondered how they incorporate those props into their music classroom. Here are my five favorite props for the music classroom: #1: Stretchy band I first saw a stretchy band as a way to incorporate movement into an early childhood music class. There are truly SO many possibilities for using the stretchy band (which you can purchase here .) My favorite way of using it so far is to help students learn how to …

November 05, 2016

Flexible Seating in your Music Classroom {Part Two}

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A couple months ago, I wrote about all of the flexible seating I purchased for my music classroom . Today, I'm blogging about how I've introduced the flexible seating in my classroom. I have lots of fun seats in my room now, so of course, the students want to try them out! I decided when I first started that I would only use them for small groups and centers--otherwise, it would be a bit of a mess for whole group instruction, with students sitting at different levels. Here are a few ways I've let students try out the seats: Star Students: I choose two star students at the end of every…

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