
Aileen Miracle
February 28, 2017

Helping all students feel welcome, part 2

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In my last blog post , I discussed how there will always be students who, for one reason or another, might not feel welcome in our classrooms, but that we as music educators can ensure that students feel more welcome and accepted. In today's post, I'm discussing more ways that students can be made to feel welcome: through songs with a message, and through children's literature. Singing songs with a great message If you can find a song that truly has a great message, go for it! Students will really connect to meaningful lyrics, especially students who are feeling fearful and uncertain.…

February 02, 2017

Helping all students feel welcome, part 1


There will always be students who, for one reason or another, might not feel welcome in our classrooms, perhaps because of something happening at home, or because of some of the students in the class, or because of something we as teachers are or are not doing. In our current world, though, there are more reasons for students to not feel welcome. Some students in our classrooms may be worrying about their families, their friends, and their futures. Regardless of political affiliation, it is really important as educators that we make ALL students feel welcome in our classroom. As music teachers,…

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