
Aileen Miracle
November 19, 2017

Songs and Activities for Thanksgiving

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Since it is Thanksgiving week, I thought I'd write a quick blog post today with a round up of some fun ideas for your music room this week! Here is a post I wrote with a few different ideas for the music room, including using turkeys to write rhythm, a picture book for thankfulness, and more! (Click the picture to go to the post.) Amy Abbott just wrote this post with lots of great ideas for Thanksgiving, including a stick game, turkey beach balls, and more! Here is a post by David Row, from Make Moments Matter, about the Thanksgiving song, "Over the River and Through the Woods." Jen…

November 05, 2017

Lesson planning for the upper elementary music room

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Upper elementary can be a tough level to teach. They are sometimes "too cool" for school, and self-conscious of their singing voices. Academically they are advanced, yet musically they may need the basics. In this blog post, I'll detail my tips for lesson planning for the upper elementary music room. Keep reading for how to receive a free upper elementary music lesson with songs, materials, and more! A little background about my situation: most of the fifth graders I teach, I've had since Kindergarten. I know, I'm very lucky! But I have been in other situations, where the…

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