
Aileen Miracle
July 31, 2018

What's on my playlist for First Grade?

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This week, I'm blogging about my playlists for each grade level, in my music room. For more information about how and why I'm using playlists, check out this post . Today, let's talk about first grade! Here are three recordings from my first grade playlist: #1: Potpourri by Eric Chapelle  (from Music for Creative Dance, Volume 1) I absolutely love this recording and use it a LOT in my room, not just with first grade! It's like freeze dance, but with several different types of music. Students find a self space, then move like they think each section of the music sounds, then they fr…

July 30, 2018

What's on my playlist for Kindergarten?

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Recently, on Instagram, I posted a story about the playlists I was creating for each grade level. I had lots of people interested in what I had on each playlist, so this week, I'll be blogging every day with three recordings I have on each grade level playlist! Today, I'll start with Kindergarten. So what do I mean about a playlist? For years, I have used an iPod to play music during my music lessons. Inevitably, though, there was a song here or there that I forgot to put on my iPod, or that I couldn't put on my iPod (since it's eight years old), so I had to use my school compu…

July 17, 2018

10 Great Examples of Music Classroom Decor

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Thinking about how you'd like to decorate your music room this upcoming school year? In this post, I'm showcasing 10 great examples of music classroom decor, to inspire you with your classroom! Here goes! I love Tracy King's letters...and the decorations on the piano! Click here to read more about Tracy's farmhouse-themed classroom. Amy Abbott at Music a la Abbott was so creative with this bulletin board! I love how the genie is rising out of the bulletin board, and how she uses an oddly-shaped space to create a board! This next picture is from my classroom ...I love storing my ha…

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