
Aileen Miracle
October 24, 2018

Giving students input for musical programs

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Looking for ways to give students input for musical programs? In this podcast episode, I discuss a process I used for giving my fifth graders input for their recent musical program, based on the book " To Be a Drum ," by Evelyn Coleman and Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson. Listen to the podcast here: Links to blog posts about musical programs Links to songs Freedom Train ( in this blog post ) Banuwa Obwisana  Links to resources World Music Drumming Hand Drumming resource Outline of process: Choose a book Read the book Type up the book into a script for small group input Give students 20-25 minutes to work…

October 10, 2018

STEAM in the Music Classroom

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Looking for ways to integrate STEM or STEAM into your music room? In this podcast episode, I talked with my friend and colleague Emily Anderson Karst about ideas for STEAM, coding, and more! Listen to the podcast here: Free resources: Instrument design worksheet Instrument design lessons by Emily Silent film project Links mentioned: Coding Websites: Scratch Music Website Code Combat Blockly games Code Avengers Coding Toys: Code-a-pillar Code and Go Robot Mouse Sphero Mini What we're consuming: Angela Watson's "Truth for Teachers" Podcast David Row's "Make Moments Matter" Podcast …

October 03, 2018

Giving students choice during centers

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I've been using centers for several years now, and have really enjoyed the student-centered learning environment and the chance to work with students one-on-one. In today's post, I'm writing about something new I've been trying: giving students choice during centers! So why give students choice during centers? In my experience, students really love the ability to choose what they do, when. In fact, just this week, after I told the students they get to choose, I had a student look at me incredulously and exclaim, "We get to choose?!?! That's COOL!" So how does it wo…

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