Five Favorite Pins of September
September 13, 2013
Today, I'm trying my first linky party; I'm blogging about my five favorite pins this month!

Five favorite music education pins of September, including a fun song, learning center buttons, and more!

I love Pinterest...I think it's such a wonderful way to share ideas (especially teaching ideas!) Here are my five favorite pins for this month:

#1: Bim Bum You Tube Video:

Maybe these girls made this video to share with other kids their age, but they are doing such a service to music teachers, especially those who want to collect folk songs and teach through technology! I transcribed the music below (in a more comfortable key for singing with children):

The song could be used for fa and tika-ti, and I love that the girls break it down into small steps. You could put the You Tube video on and have them learn by watching them. I can see kids really loving this song! These girls also made several other videos with other songs...I'm excited to check those out as well!

#2: Patti Anderson's Blog
I'm always excited to find other music teacher blogs! I met Patti when I presented for KONC (Kodaly of North Carolina) a couple years ago. I presented an assessment workshop, and then she presented a really informative technology session for a couple hours. It was from her that I learned about Dropbox and Prezi, two of my favorite programs/ applications! Patti's blog is really comprehensive. I loved this blog about name games:

Patti includes tons of songs and resources (including PDF's of the songs!). Make sure to follow her blog so you can read all of her new entries!

#3: A Jazzy Day
Since getting my Ipad, I'm always excited to find apps that I could use in my classroom. I was very excited to find this on Pinterest!

The app is advertised as an interactive book, but it also has a section in which you can learn about different jazz instruments, as well as a section in which students have to visually and/or aurally identify jazz instruments. So cool! If you project your ipad onto your SMART board or a computer screen, then you could do this with your whole class, but if you don't have that ability, students could do this in learning centers. It is $4.99, but totally worth it. 

#4: Washi tape on Orff instruments
I found this on Pinterest and love this idea!

Five favorite music education pins of September, including tape for Orff instruments, learning center buttons, and more!

So often, kids have a hard time remembering which mallets go with which instrument, so you could wrap washi tape around the mallets and then place the same tape on the instrument. Such an easy and accessible way to remember!

#5: Learning center buttons:
If you like doing learning centers in your music classroom, you might consider buying one of these:

Five favorite music education pins of September, including tape for Orff instruments, learning center buttons, and more!

These buttons allow you to record directions for a center, so that you don't have to repeat the directions when the students get to a specific center. This would work well if you had a center that was a bit more involved, but you were anchored at another center. I found some of these at my local toy store, so you may be able to find them at a store instead of buying them online.

Make sure to click the buttons below to read about the favorite pins of other bloggers! If you want to see more pins like this, make sure to follow me on Pinterest:

Happy pinning and blogging!

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