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February 17, 2014
Solfa manipulatives
Assessment · Kodaly · Manipulatives · melodic work · 6 comments
Today I'm linking up with Lindsay Jervis' Monday manipulatives linky party, to blog about solfa manipulatives! One of my favorite ways to have students use manipulatives is solfa manipulatives. I first came upon the idea of solfa manipulatives when I was studying in Hungary. My friend Bonnie presented about it to our level III class; she had learned about them in a previous level. I adapted the idea she presented a bit, and came up with laminated circles. Here is a picture of my students working with solfa manipulatives; usually I have them work individually, but this class was so bi…
February 12, 2014
Five Favorite Pins of February
Assessment · Favorite pins · Group work · 9 comments
Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I realized it's time for my linky party for February! If you are a blogger, feel free to join the linky party by following the directions at the end of this post. Here are my five favorite pins this month! You can click on each picture to be taken to the original pin. #1: Self-assessment folders This pin shows how you could use these folders to have students assess themselves with exit tickets. I recently posted about The Bulletin Board Lady's exit ticket set , and I think these folders could be a great way of both collecting exit tickets AND hav…