Five Favorite Pins of February
February 12, 2014
Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I realized it's time for my linky party for February!

Five favorite music education pins of February, including sound houses, self-assessment folders, and more!

If you are a blogger, feel free to join the linky party by following the directions at the end of this post. Here are my five favorite pins this month! You can click on each picture to be taken to the original pin.

#1: Self-assessment folders

This pin shows how you could use these folders to have students assess themselves with exit tickets. I recently posted about The Bulletin Board Lady's exit ticket set, and I think these folders could be a great way of both collecting exit tickets AND having students assess their understanding.

#2: Quotes from children's literature

This site has fifteen wonderful quotes from children's literature. I'm thinking of choosing a few of them, printing them, and posting them in my room!

#3: Penguin Waddle Race

I love the clip art of Pink Cat Studio, but I also love the interactive games she posts! This one is a freebie you can use to suit your needs--ask whatever questions you want to five different teams or five different students, and watch the penguins waddle ahead. So creative and cute!

#4: Sound houses

This is such a cute game for instrument identification! Could be done in small groups and would only take a section of a lesson.

#5: Pondering on group projects

I just blogged about group work, so I was very interested to read this blog by Teach123. I was especially intrigued because she used a scene from "Dead Poets' Society"--one of my favorite movies--to illustrate a point about conformity and group work. She posed some thought-provoking questions that have me re-thinking how I might adapt group projects in the future!

Those are my five favorite pins of this month...what are yours? Make sure to click the links below to read the favorite pins of other music bloggers!

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