Aileen Miracle
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July 29, 2014
Bulletin Board Ideas
Bulletin boards · Classroom decor · 5 comments
Today I'm excited to link up with David Row from Make Moments Matter, for his Back to School Bulletin Board Ideas in the Music Classroom Linky Party! I'm going to post some of my past bulletin boards. Here goes! #1: Music around the world I used this bulletin board to post any songs we learned from around the world. For example, when we learned "Ye Toop Doram" from Afghanistan, I posted a slip of paper with the title of the song, with yarn tied to a pushpin, which was pointing to Afghanistan. When learning songs from the United States, I figured out exactly which state the song…
July 22, 2014
10 Strategies for Melodic Reading and Writing
Kodaly · Manipulatives · melodic work · Vocal exploration · 1 comment
A few days ago, I wrote about 10 strategies for rhythmic reading and writing , in hopes of giving you ideas for your year plan. Today I will blog about 10 strategies for melodic reading and writing! As in the last blog post, some of the ideas I will describe in this blog post, some will link to other blog posts, and some will link to freebies and other products. Here goes! #1: Ghost Melodies In this blog post , I wrote about how to do ghost melody composition on dry erase boards. This is a great precursor to having students listen for and begin writing specific pitches, like sol and mi. #2: Staff …
July 18, 2014
10 Strategies for Rhythmic Reading and Writing
Composition · Group work · Kodaly · Rhythmic work · No comments
With this blog post, I'm hoping to give you lots of ideas to specifically address rhythmic reading and writing! Some of the ideas I will describe in this blog post, some will link to other blog posts, and some will link to freebies and other products. #1: Popsicle stick writing: I wrote in detail about popsicle stick writing in this blog post on my collaborative blog, the Kodaly Corner. #2: Dry erase boards: Having students dictate on dry erase boards can be a great way to practice rhythmic writing. I ordered my own set of 30 individual dry erase boards and markers, but I've heard that so…
July 16, 2014
Five Favorite Pins of July
Favorite pins · Movement · Technology · 1 comment
Since we are over halfway through July (eek! Where is the summer going!?!?) I realized it's time for my favorite pins linky party! If you are a teacher blogger, feel free to join the party! Directions are at the end of the post. Also make sure to follow me on Pinterest by clicking on the Pinterest icon in the right panel on my blog (the section that says "Button up.") Here is my list for this month; just click each picture to view that pin. #1: Scale blocks I love this idea for having upper elementary, middle school, and even high school students build scales. Perfect for piano p…
July 07, 2014
Song and dance {Three great activities for your older students}
Folk dancing · Multicultural music · Popular posts · Songs · 8 comments
The week before last, I finished up teaching Level I for the Kodaly program at DePaul University in Chicago. My class had 18 music teachers, and they were a GREAT class...so cohesive and supportive of each other! A few days before the class ended, one of my students mentioned that he couldn't find the song "Oboshinotentoten" on YouTube (as they have to check YouTube during the retrieval process for any versions of that song) so he suggested we make our own video. I thought this was a great idea, so we recorded ourselves playing the song, as well as performing two other dances! H…