Five Favorite Pins of July
July 16, 2014
Since we are over halfway through July (eek! Where is the summer going!?!?) I realized it's time for my favorite pins linky party!

5 favorite music education pins of July, including scale blocks, movement activities, and more!

If you are a teacher blogger, feel free to join the party!  Directions are at the end of the post. Also make sure to follow me on Pinterest by clicking on the Pinterest icon in the right panel on my blog (the section that says "Button up.")  Here is my list for this month; just click each picture to view that pin.

#1: Scale blocks

I love this idea for having upper elementary, middle school, and even high school students build scales. Perfect for piano players (as it shows white key/ black key) or any other student learning music theory!

#2: Desktop wallpaper
Looking for a way to keep yourself and your computer organized? I wrote this blog post a few weeks ago about how much I love this desktop wallpaper!

#3: The guide to google drive sharing
I know that there are probably LOTS of things that I don't know about google drive that I should know, so I put this on my list of things to read!

#4: Creative movement guidelines
This is a great post about teaching creative movement in your room. I need to go back and give this one another read!

#5: Newspaper Dancing

Speaking of movement, I love this idea by Mrs. King's Music Room to help students move. This could be a great strategy for discussing non-locomotor vs. locomotor movement!

Those are my five favorite pins of this month...what are yours?  If you'd like to share, here are the directions:
  • Save the "Five Favorite Pins of July" collage graphic to your computer, and include it in your blog with a link to this blog entry.
  • Blog about your five favorite pins. Include pictures with links when possible.
  • Submit your information by clicking on the button below.
Also, just as a heads up, I plan on having a linky party in early to mid August for teachers to post their classroom set-up. If you are a blogger, please consider taking pictures of your room so we can share ideas!

 Have a great week!

A linky party to post your five favorite pins this month

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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