Music in our Schools Month
March 02, 2015
Since it is March, it is time for Music in our Schools Month!

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

As a music teacher, I feel like the whole year should be devoted to music in our schools, but Music in our Schools Month is a great time to make sure that the importance of music in our schools is recognized. Here are a few ideas to help:

#1: "My music performance" bulletin board
My third graders and fourth graders recently performed their programs ("A House in the Night" for third grade and "Follow the Drinking Gourd" for fourth grade.) I was so happy with their performances! In the class after their program, I had them watch the video of their performance then reflect upon it. I have written before about how much I love Cori Bloom's music reflection set:

I really enjoyed reading the students' reflections, so this year I thought I'd make a bulletin board showcasing some of their thoughts...and just in time for Music in our Schools Month!

Here are pictures of my bulletin board. I simply chose the most memorable responses, cut them out, then created a header. You can download the header for the board as well as directions here; if you don't have Cori's set you could have students write their reflections on index cards (although her set is definitely worth it!)

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

Here are close-ups of some of the reflections:

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

Ideas for Music in Our Schools Month: Advocacy and teaching ideas for the month of March!

#2: NAfME's ideas
The National Association for Music Education (currently MENC) has tons of ideas on their website for celebrating this month; check out those ideas here.

#3: MIOSM Staff Survey by Tracy King
Tracy King/ The Bulletin Board Lady put together this awesome free survey to post onto a bulletin board. You can read her blog post here and download her survey freebie here.

#4: MIOSM ideas by Jennifer from the Yellow Brick Road
Jennifer suggested some great ideas in her blog post, which you can read here!

#5: MIOSM E-books
Last but not least, the group of music sellers that I collaborate with decided to put together four e-books during the month of March! Each free e-book focuses on a different topic, and is full of teaching tips, freebies, and products focused on that topic! Amy Abbott from Music a la Abbott compiled the first e-book, focused on rhythm. You can download it by clicking on the button below!

Each Monday in March a new e-book will come out. On Monday, March 9, I will release the listening lessons e-book. On Monday, March 16, Tracy King will release an e-book focused on instruments of the orchestra, and on Monday, March 23, Sara Bibee from Music with Sara Bibee will release an e-book focused on melody. So excited about all the ideas!

What are your ideas for celebrating MIOSM? Hope you have a great start to March!