Holiday gift guide for music teachers
December 16, 2016

Are you looking for gift ideas for a loved one who is a music teacher? Or are you a music teacher trying to find gift ideas to give your family? I'm teaming up with my friend Amy Abbott, to blog about great gift ideas for any music teacher!

Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links.

Holiday Gift Guide for Music Teachers: Great list of items to purchase as a music teacher, or to buy for your favorite music teacher!

Echo Dot
I was super excited when my husband bought me the Echo for my birthday in late November. I hadn't asked for it and didn't even know what it was, but now, I'm hooked!
The idea of the Echo is that you can play music wirelessly just by asking. It will play genres of music ("Alexa, play classical music," or "Alexa, play holiday classics") and it will play specific songs. For some songs, you do need a monthly membership to Amazon music, which is $3.99, but there are lots of songs that it will play without that membership. You can also ask Alexa to add things to your to do list, ask her for the weather, ask for the items on your calendar for that day, and more!
It hadn't even occurred to me to use one in my classroom until I saw this post in the Feierabend Fundamentals Facebook group. And then I realized...you could simply say, "Alexa, play 'Chimes of Dunkirk'" and it will play! How awesome is that? You can also connect it to your computer or iPad though Bluetooth. I just ordered one for my classroom; as I write this, it's on sale for $39.99, so I couldn't resist!

This was also a really fun birthday gift from my husband, but could totally work as a gift for your favorite music teacher (or for yourself!) The PBuzz is like a plastic trombone. The slide positions/ letters are marked, and you can slide to whichever you want. It has a small range--only a fifth--but is really fun (and my four year old can make a good sound on it!)

Here is a fun video for "Uptown Funk" played on pBuzz, pBones, and Bass Trombone.

 Click the link below to see the pBuzz on Amazon.

Singing Games and Rhymes for ages 9 to 99
Amy from Music a la Abbott sent me this awesome book as a birthday gift. There are SO many songs in here I had never seen, so it was such a fun gift! I just delved into it deeper today and found many great songs AND games! And even better? It comes with a DVD showing the singing games! (Click on the picture to see how to purchase it.)

Tuning fork on lanyard
I lose things ALL THE TIME, so I love having my tuning fork on a lanyard! The idea of using a tuning fork as a music teacher is that you can quickly check your pitch without having to run over to the piano...and when it's on a lanyard, around your neck, it's even easier! You can buy the one below on West Music; click the picture to see the listing.

Presentation remote
I first bought a presentation remote when I started presenting workshops, but once I realized it can work for Powerpoints, PDF's, SMART Notebook files, AND Prezi, I realized how useful it could be in the music classroom! Whether you are running a singalong or doing an assessment in SMART Notebook, this remote is super helpful, so that you can click without standing at your computer keyboard!

Kindergarten Centers {Bundled Set}
Here's one from my store that music teachers will find helpful! I put this together for teachers hoping to try centers with their Kindergarteners. It includes sets for fast/slow, loud/quiet, beat, high/low, and rhythm, including six centers for each concept!

Christmas morning bundle
This fun set by Amy Abbott is full of games and activities, and will be ready to download on Christmas morning! What's even better? The games can be used any time of the year! Amy's interactive games are always so fun, so I'm looking forward to downloading these games!

Make sure to hop on over to Amy's blog to read her holiday gift guide. Which gifts are on your wish list? Feel free to comment below. Happy shopping, and Happy Holidays!

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