Reflecting on your year
April 10, 2017
I know it seems crazy to think of the school year in past tense, but with only seven weeks remaining in the school year, I'm already thinking about what worked well this year, and what I'd like to improve for next year. Reflection is, to me, such a huge part of my development as a teacher, so I like to reflect at the end of each school year (before summer, when everything seems so distant!) Here are some thoughts about my year.
What I loved:
I was able to streamline my data tracking and intervention processes even more this year, and was very happy with the results! I was able to use my data tracking binder to track how well students understand rhythmic and melodic concepts, and was able to provide intervention to more students. My first graders had a statistically significant increase in meeting their growth target for rhythmic dictation, and I think it's partly because of this process! For more information about data tracking and downloading the binder for free, see this blog post.What I could do better:
I talked in this podcast about how I realized recently that a.) I don't do listening lessons as often as I should, and b.) it's partly because I'm not always using music that I LOVE. I have started tweaking and creating lessons for this year, but this is on my list of things to really delve into next year!Organization:
What I loved:
I used these magazine racks for my concept materials this year, and they were AWESOME! Such a simple way to store materials, but so effective. I purchased these from IKEA, and just printed out a label with the concept on the side. Before I did this, I had kept everything in a file folder box, but I just have too many materials and everything was too jam packed. This was easy and very helpful!
What I could do better:
I just had too much stuff on my counter, and as a result, everything always looked too cluttered. Next year, I'm going to put more in my cabinets, especially materials I don't use all the time. It was just too much to look at and organize!
What I loved:
I really loved using the interactive attendance sets by Pink Cat Studio (like I blogged about in this post) to keep track of which students got turns for singing games. I think this year I had the least amount of students complaining about never getting a turn, which was awesome! Such a fun and interactive use of technology! Here's the video I created showing how I used the files:What I could do better:
I admit it, I got distracted and just forgot to use apps and programs I said I would. Like, I really wanted to use SeeSaw but then got busy and overwhelmed, and it just didn't happen. I am happy to say that after seeing my friend Andrea Halverson present about technology for TRIKE this past weekend, I did create an assessment for SeeSaw to use this week (which I'm sure I'll blog about at some point!) But next year, I want to use the app to share updates with parents...and overall, use my iPads more.Decor:
What I loved:
I really loved my world music display, which you can download for free here (read more about helping all students feel welcome in your music room here).I have had so many students ask about the people in the photographs, and comment on how much they love the pictures. It's a little thing, but if it can open up students to other cultures, AND make students of diverse ethnicities feel at home in the music room, it's so worth it!
What I could do better:
I feel like I do this every year...I put up these really cute bulletin boards and then forget to do much with them. Or leave up the same bulletin boards all year. I mean, I do think some kids read the bulletin boards without my prompting, but I'd rather have bulletin boards from which I can teach. So I have some reflecting to do on that for next year's bulletin boards!What are you really happy with from this school year? What do you want to do better? Feel free to comment below! Happy teaching!
I can't believe it is coming round so quickly!
ReplyDeleteYou are right it really is a good time to reflect, this is an interesting post :)
Reflecting on my year is one of my favorite things to do. Every summer I use it as an opportunity to change things up and to come up with new ideas.