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May 25, 2017
Third Grade Program: You Belong Here
Programs · 4 comments
Need ideas for a third grade program? In today's blog post, I'm writing about my program, "You Belong Here." I created the program based on the beautifully illustrated book by M.H. Clark and Isabelle Arsenault . about how we are all unique, and how we are all loved! Here is a summary of songs and dances I used for the program (and make sure to keep reading to find out about a fun 5-day musical program challenge I'm hosting in a few weeks!) I did this program with third grade, but it could also work for second grade. I split the text up between 28 narrators. For the first p…
May 02, 2017
End of the Year Music Teacher Checklist
End of year · Freebies · Organization · 2 comments
It is May...which means it's already time to start thinking about the end of the year! In my district, our last day is May 25, so we have just a few weeks left. There is SO much to do at the end of the year, so in today's post, I'll lay out all of the different things I think about and check off my list for the end of the year. Make sure to keep reading until the end, since I will have a free Google Sheets checklist that you can make a copy of and edit as needed! At my school, we receive an EOY checklist from our principal around this time of year, but as a music teacher, there are…