End of the Year Music Teacher Checklist
May 02, 2017

It is May...which means it's already time to start thinking about the end of the year! In my district, our last day is May 25, so we have just a few weeks left. There is SO much to do at the end of the year, so in today's post, I'll lay out all of the different things I think about and check off my list for the end of the year. Make sure to keep reading until the end, since I will have a free Google Sheets checklist that you can make a copy of and edit as needed!

At my school, we receive an EOY checklist from our principal around this time of year, but as a music teacher, there are several other "must do" items that aren't on the typical classroom checklist. Here are all of the things I think about and do as I wrap up the year in my music classroom:

End of the Year Music Teacher Checklist: Includes tips about organizing, ordering instruments, and more! Includes link to free Google Doc!

Organization and cleaning

I have lots of storage in my room, from bookshelves, to drawers, to an entire storage closet! So I ask myself these questions:
  • Have I organized and cleaned my bookshelves, dusting, putting things back where they are supposed to go, etc.? Here is a great blog post by Tracy King about organizing your music room.
  • Have I organized drawers? My desk drawer is a total mess by this time of the year! I try to clean that as well as my mallet drawer, my props drawer, my CD drawer, etc.
  • Have I cleaned countertops? I love Lysol Disinfectant Wipes for this task!
  • Have I organized my file cabinets? I have tons of choir music that is just sitting in my file cabinet, waiting for me to file!
  • Have I cleaned my storage closet? My closet is in BAD need of some cleaning and reorganization, and I would much rather do it now than come back to a messy closet in August!
  • Have I pulled any books or resources that I'd like to take home with me for planning over the summer? (Read this blog post about my planning process during the summer.)

Orff Instruments

  • Have I found my missing bars? I often end up with missing bars around this time of year, so I try to locate those and either put them on the instrument, on the side of the instrument, or for glockenspiels, put them in a drawer.
  • Have I vacuumed out the inside of the Orff instruments? 
  • Have I fixed any bent or broken pegs? Check out these awesome blog posts for help!

Non-pitched percussion

  • Have I thrown away any broken instruments? Sometimes wood starts coming off the edge of a wood block or maracas break. Have I thrown those away?
  • Have I taken note of instruments I'd like to purchase for next year? For example, I'm pretty disappointed with the finger cymbals I have, so I'm making a mental note to buy more with next year's budget!


  • Have I updated devices as needed?
  • Have I taken any videos, photos, etc. off of the iPads? Sometimes you need to send those to yourself anyway, so you can assess, and sometimes you just need to delete material from this year.
  • Have I taken note of apps I would like to purchase or download? Check out this blog post for my 10 favorite apps!
  • Have I dusted and/ or cleaned technology as needed? 
  • Have I shut down everything on the very last day?


  • Have I completed inventory and turned into my administrator? 
  • Have I returned any borrowed resources from music teachers, borrowed books from the library, etc.?

Class decor

  • Have I taken down all my decor?
  • Have I taken down my bulletin boards? (And while I'm at it, am I thinking about next year's bulletin boards? Here is a blog post I wrote about bulletin boards, and another fun one by Tracy King about borders!)
  • Have I thought about next year's decor? I've already decided to do a world theme in my music classroom, which I'll be blogging about as the decor comes up. In the meantime, here is a Pinterest board with some fun ideas!

Orders for next year

  • Have I filled out my classroom supply order? In my district, I have to buy classroom supplies, such as staples, pencils, etc.
  • Have I filled out my music room order for resources, instruments, etc.? For some great ideas about what to buy, check out this post by David Row.
  • Have I written grants or requests to PTO for instruments or resources I can't buy with my regular budget? I've received Orff instruments, iPads, and a world music drum set all from writing grants, so it's very much worth it to try! Here is a blog post about writing grants.

Recorders and band instruments

  • Have I handed out recorders for the summer? My fourth graders get to take them home at the end of the year, so I hand them back at the end of the year. 
  • Have I made sure all band instruments were brought home with students or returned to the music store? 


  • Have I recycled any paperwork I don't need anymore?
  • Have I shredded any documentation, like health concerns, that I don't need any more (since I'll be getting new forms at the start of the school year?) Note: You'll want to wait until the very last day to do this, when you're not teaching anymore.
  • Have I filed any paperwork, workshop handouts, etc., that I'll be using the following year?

Lesson plans

  • Have I edited or added notes to my lesson plans, so that if I want to re-use or tweak them the following year, I remember what worked well and what didn't?
  • Have I turned in this year's lesson plans to my administrator? I have to do this at my school district, but you may not have to! If you do, I find it way easier to put them on a flash drive or share them in Google Drive than to print all of them out!


  • Have I graded any written work, and handed them back to students?
  • Have I graded other work, such as videos, SeeSaw portfolio work, etc.?
  • Have I completed grades for every grade level?
  • Have I written comments for students as needed?
Whew! That is quite the list! To get this list as a Google Sheet, click here. I made it as a "view" only file, so you will need to make a copy of the document, then add it to your Google Drive to edit it.

If you have any other items to add, feel free to comment below, or simply add it to your own Google Sheet! Thanks for reading, and good luck with the end of the year!

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