What's on my playlist for Fifth Grade?
August 04, 2018

This week, I'm blogging about my playlists for each grade level, in my music room. For more information about how and why I'm using playlists, check out this post. Today, let's talk about fifth grade!

Fifth grade playlist for the music room: Three fun recordings for your music lessons, for dancing, listening, and the 12 Bar Blues!

Here are three recordings from my fifth grade playlist:

 A few years ago, I found a dance for this song in a resource from Sanna Longden, which you can now view for free here. My fifth graders LOVE this line dance...and when you find a dance that fifth graders love, then, well, you have to do it every year!

As I wrote about in this post, I read "World Music Pedagogy, Volume 2," by Christopher Roberts and Amy Beegle this summer. It was such a great read, with really practical ideas for implementing world music listening lessons in your classroom. This song was mentioned in the book as a possible listening lesson, with opportunities for students to listen intently, identify words within the song, and discuss context to the song. I'm excited to try it with my fifth graders!

from the Album Maa Na Pagla Volume 1
I learned this folk dance (called Dandiya Raas) from my colleague Meaghan many years ago. It's an Indian folk dance which can be performed with rhythm sticks (although originally it would be performed with sticks like these.) I taught Level I pedagogy and folk song research for DePaul University's Kodály program several years ago; here is a video of my class performing the dance:

It's a great dance for fifth graders!

I'm excited to announce the winners of my giveaway!

The winner of the $25 iTunes gift card and $25 credit to my store is Karina Gross!
The winner of the $15 iTunes gift card and $15 credit to my store is Melody Kegerris!
The winner of the $10 iTunes gift card and $10 credit to my store is Audrey Gale!

I've emailed all the winners. Thanks to everyone who entered!

What is on your fifth grade playlist? Feel free to comment below. Happy listening, and happy teaching!

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