What's on my playlist for Third Grade?
August 02, 2018

This week, I'm blogging about my playlists for each grade level, in my music room. For more information about how and why I'm using playlists, check out this post. Today, let's talk about third grade!

Third grade playlist for the music room: Three fun recordings for your music lessons, for dancing, conducting, multicultural connections, and melodic practice!

Here are three recordings from my third grade playlist:

#1: Sasha!
This is one of my absolute favorite folk dances! It is a really fun mixer that students LOVE. It looks like it's not available as a single track on iTunes, but can be purchased with this resource, which is a really wonderful book of folk dances.

This summer, I read "World Music Pedagogy, Volume 2," by Amy Beegle and my friend Christopher Roberts. It is a really wonderful read for any elementary music educator. A lesson for this track, "Wau Rauh," was laid out in the book, and I'd like to try this with my third graders, to raise awareness of another culture, to have students think critically about instrumentation and melody, and to practice re.

This is one of my favorites by Kodály! I use this in third grade after students learn 4-beat meter, or 4/4, so they can practice the conducting pattern. I've also used it in younger grades, to have students make up a story around a particular theme and then act it out.

If you haven't yet, check out these playlist posts from earlier this week:
Stay tuned for fourth grade tomorrow, and if you haven't entered the giveaway for an iTunes gift card and credit to my store, check it out here! Also check out my Instastories this week for snippets of each song!

Also, if you haven't checked out the TpT sale yet, today's the last day...you can get 20% off of everything in my store, and 5% more off with the code "BTSFRESH." Click below to shop!

What is on your third grade playlist? Feel free to comment below. Happy listening, and happy teaching!

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